The earrings feature Bri Star illusion TM settings with miracle plates that center each genuine diamond in a mirror-finish, high-polish frame surrounded by eight brilliant cut diamonds. The faceted bezel setting gives the illusion of much larger stones, magnifying the sparkle - in a solitaire-like appearance.
这款產品属于我们专利注册的 Bri Star Illusion TM 镶嵌系列,在高抛光面的车花片的中央镶嵌了一颗明亮式切割钻石,周围紧密镶嵌了颗八小圆钻,有如八星伴月的效果。从远处观看,小圆钻与车花片混为一体,效果有如一颗大圆钻; 在近距离时就可看到车花片镶嵌的精致工艺。 此系列能让你在有限预算,使你的钻石显得更大更闪亮。